Module pyhamilton.deckresource

Couplings to Hamilton deck layouts.

Module pyhamilton.deckresource provides convenience classes and methods for interacting safely with Hamilton's Layout (.lay) files. It also implements transformations between well indexes and coordinates for a variety of labware, such as plates and tips.

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Couplings to Hamilton deck layouts.

Module `pyhamilton.deckresource` provides convenience classes and methods for interacting safely with Hamilton's Layout (`.lay`) files. It also implements transformations between well indexes and coordinates for a variety of labware, such as plates and tips.
import string, shutil, os, string, re
from datetime import datetime
from pyhamilton import OEM_LAY_PATH, LAY_BACKUP_DIR
from .oemerr import ResourceUnavailableError

class ResourceType:
    Specifies a type of labware to extract using LayoutManager, and how.

    This class associates a resource class, such as `Plate96`, with either a literal labware identifier (`str`) that appears in the Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file, or a pair of functions: one that identifies when a text line in a layout file could be assigned this resource, called `test`, and one that parses such a name out of the line, called `extract_name`.

    Typical usage:

    plate_type = ResourceType(Plate96, 'Cos_96_Rd_0001')
    lmgr = LayoutManager('layout.lay')
    plate = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(plate_type)


    plate_type = ResourceType(Plate96,
    lmgr = LayoutManager('layout.lay')
    plate1 = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(plate_type)
    plate2 = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(plate_type)

      resource_class (class): a class that inherits from `DeckResource`. Instances of this class will be returned from `LayoutManager` when assigning resources, factory-style.
      *name_specifiers (list): This argument is unpacked with the "splat" operator (`*`) to enable polymorphism. One or the other of:
      - (two-argument form) an exact name (`str`) of a labware item that appears in the target layout file, or
      - (three-argument form) `test` and `extract_name` (see usage above):
          * `test`: a function [(`str`) -> `bool`] that identifies Layout file lines (`str`) that could be used to assign resources of this type
          * `extract_name`: a function [(`str`) -> `str`] that gets the desired name out of a line identified with `test`.


    def __init__(self, resource_class, *name_specifiers):
        self.resource_class = resource_class
        self.not_found_msg = None
            specific_name, = name_specifiers
            self.test = lambda line: specific_name in re.split(r'\W', line)
            self.extract_name = lambda line: specific_name
            self.not_found_msg = 'No exact match for name "' + specific_name + '" to assign a resource of type ' + resource_class.__name__
        except ValueError:
            self.test, self.extract_name = name_specifiers

class LayoutManager:
    """Optionally activates a Hamilton layout and helps access its contents.

    A `LayoutManager` manages the consistent assignment of `DeckResource` objects to items in a Hamilton Layout file (`.lay`). A `LayoutManager` must be used to set the active pyhamilton layout file, but use of this class is strictly optional when sending `pyhamilton` commands using `send_command`; names may be passed as string literals in commands instead if they are known in advance. The advantage to specifying all labware using `ResourceManager` is that resource names are verified to be present in the active layout file at runtime, and guaranteed never used more than once, both of which are necessary to avoid silent Hamilton errors.
    Example usage:
    lmgr = LayoutManager('layout.lay')
    plate = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(ResourceType(Plate24, 'plate_0'))
    culture_reservoir = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(ResourceType(Plate96, 'culture'))
    inducer_tips = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(ResourceType(Tip96, 'inducer_tips'))

    _managers = {}
    def get_manager(checksum):
        """Return a `LayoutManager` previously instantiated for a layout file that has the specified checksum.
        Typically used when accessing the same layout file from multiple "threads" in the same process (using the `threading` module) to prevent name double-counting.
          checksum (str): a checksum found at the end of a Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file.
        return LayoutManager._managers[checksum]

    def initial_printable(line, start=0):
        if not line:
            return ''
        end = start
        while end < len(line) and line[end] in string.printable:
            end += 1
        return line[start:end]

    def layline_objid(line):
        keys = 'ObjId', 'LabwareName'
        if 'Labware' in LayoutManager.layline_first_field(line):
            keys = 'Id', *keys
        for key in keys:
                start = line.index(key) + len(key) + 1
                return LayoutManager.initial_printable(line, start)
            except ValueError:
            return None

    def layline_first_field(line):
        return LayoutManager.initial_printable(line)

    def field_starts_with(field, prefix):
            return field.index(prefix) == 0
        except ValueError:
            return False

    def name_from_line(line):
        field = LayoutManager.layline_objid(line)
        if field:
            return field
        return LayoutManager.layline_first_field(line)

    def line_has_prefixed_name(prefix):
        def has_prefix(line):
            return LayoutManager.field_starts_with(LayoutManager.name_from_line(line), prefix)
        return has_prefix

    def _read_layfile_lines(layfile_path):
        buff = ''
        lines = []
        with open(layfile_path, 'rb') as f:
            for c in
                    c = bytes([c]).decode('utf-8')
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                buff += c
                if c in '\n\r\t':
                    buff = ''
        if buff:
        return lines

    def _layfile_checksum(layfile_path):
        lay_lines = LayoutManager._read_layfile_lines(layfile_path)
        return lay_lines[-1].split('checksum=')[1].split('$$')[0]

    def layfiles_equal(lay_path_1, lay_path_2):
        return LayoutManager._layfile_checksum(lay_path_1) == LayoutManager._layfile_checksum(lay_path_2)

    def __init__(self, layfile_path, install=True):
        self.lines = self._read_layfile_lines(layfile_path)
        self.resources = {}
        self.checksum = self._layfile_checksum(layfile_path)
        self._managers[self.checksum] = self
        if install and not LayoutManager.layfiles_equal(layfile_path, OEM_LAY_PATH):
                shutil.copy2(layfile_path, os.path.join(LAY_BACKUP_DIR,'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_') + os.path.basename(layfile_path)))
                shutil.copy2(layfile_path, OEM_LAY_PATH)
    def assign_unused_resource(self, restype, order_key=None, reverse=False):
        """Create a new deck resource after finding and assigning an unused name that matches the resource type.
        This method searches through the layout file for one new layout name that matches the given resource type. It reserves this layout name permanently so that no later calls to `assign_unused_resource` can create a deck resource with the same layout name. Returns a `DeckResource`.
          restype (ResourceType): The resource type, which consists of a resource class (descendent of `DeckResource`) and some string pattern matching functions to identify the desired layout names.
          order_key (Callable[[DeckResource], Comparable]): Optional; when multiple layout names match, specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each candidate `DeckResource` object. The arg-min or arg-max of `order_key` will be returned, depending on `reverse`. By default, lexicographic order by layout name is used, which is suitable for most use cases, e.g. plates with layout names "pcr-plate-a", "pcr-plate-b", "pcr-plate-c", ... will be returned in the expected order.
          reverse (bool): Optional; use reverse-lexicographic order for layout names, useful for e.g. plate stacking applications, or reverse the order imposed by `order_key` if it is given.
          A new instance of the resource class (descendent of `DeckResource`) from the given `ResourceType` `restype`.
          ResourceUnavailableError: no names in the layout file that have not already been assigned match the resource type
        if order_key is None:
            order_key = lambda r: r.layout_name()
        if not isinstance(restype, ResourceType):
            raise TypeError('Must provide a ResourceType to be assigned')
        matching_ress = []
        for line in self.lines:
            if restype.test(line):
                match_name = restype.extract_name(line)
                if match_name in self.resources:
        if not matching_ress:
            msg = restype.not_found_msg or 'No unassigned resource of type ' + restype.resource_class.__name__ + ' available'
            raise ResourceUnavailableError(msg)
        choose = max if reverse else min
        new_res = choose(matching_ress, key=order_key)
        self.resources[new_res.layout_name()] = new_res
        return new_res

class ResourceIterItem:

    def __init__(self, resource, index):
        self.parent_resource = resource
        self.index = index
        self.history = []

class Tip(ResourceIterItem):

class Vessel(ResourceIterItem):

    ADD = 0
    REMOVE = 1

    def record_removal(self, ml, dest=None):
        if dest is not None and not isinstance(dest, Vessel):
            raise ValueError('Sources and destinations in Vessel contents records must be Vessels')
        self.history.append((Vessel.REMOVE, ml, dest))

    def record_addition(self, ml, source):
        if not isinstance(source, Vessel):
            raise ValueError('Sources and destinations in Vessel contents records must be Vessels')
        self.history.append((Vessel.ADD, ml, source))

    def current_volume(self):
        return sum((ml if direction == Vessel.ADD else -ml) for direction, ml, _ in self.history)

class DeckResource:

    class align:
        VERTICAL = 'v'
        STD_96 = 'std_96'

    class types:
        TIP, VESSEL = range(2)
    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _alignment_delta(self, int_start, int_end):
        raise NotImplementedError() # (delta x, delta y, alignment properties list)

    def _assert_idx_in_range(self, idx_or_vessel):
        if isinstance(idx_or_vessel, Vessel):
            idx = idx_or_vessel.index
            idx = idx_or_vessel
        if not 0 <= idx < self._num_items:
            raise ValueError('Index ' + str(idx) + ' not in range for resource')
    def layout_name(self):
        """The layout name of this specific deck resource.
          The name (`str`) associated with this specific deck resource in the Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file it came from.
        return self._layout_name # default; override if needed. (str) 

    def position_id(self, idx):
        """The identifier used for one of a sequence of positions inside this labware.
        For labware with multiple positions, each position has a different identity, usually represented as a short string that will match the identifier scheme for this resource in the Hamilton Layout file it came from. The identifiers will usually be familiar from a laboratory setting.
        - 96-well plates have 96 positions, each identified with a letter and a number like `'D4'`. For a `Plate96` instance named `plate`, `plate.position_id(0)` is `'A1'`, `plate.position_id(1)` is `'B1'`, and `plate.position_id(95)` is `'H12'`.
        - Hamilton racks of 96 tips have 96 positions, identified with integer strings like `'87'` that start with `'1'` at the top left tip and increase down columns (8 positions each) first. For a `Tip96` instance named `tips`, `tips.position_id(0)` is `'1'`, `tips.position_id(1)` is `'2'`, and `tips.position_id(95)` is `'96'`.

          idx (int): the index into the sequence of positions. Note: `idx` is zero-indexed across all labware according to python convention, while most real-world labware positions are 1-indexed.

          The identifier (`str`) associated with the position `idx` specific deck resource in the Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file it came from.
          NotImplementedError: The deck resource does not have positions.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def alignment_delta(self, start, end):
        args = {'start':start, 'end':end}
        for pos in args:
            if isinstance(args[pos], Vessel):
                if args[pos].parent_resource is not self:
                    raise ValueError('Positions provided as vessels, '
                            'but do not belong to this resource')
                args[pos] = start.index
                    args[pos] += 0
                except TypeError:
                    raise ValueError('Positions provided for delta must be integers or vessels')
        return self._alignment_delta(args['start'], args['end'])
    def __iter__(self):
        for i in self._items:
            yield i

class Standard96(DeckResource):
    """Labware types with 96 positions that use a letter-number id scheme like `'A1'`.

    def well_coords(self, idx):
        return int(idx)//8, int(idx)%8

    def _alignment_delta(self, start, end):
        [self._assert_idx_in_range(p) for p in (start, end)]
        xs, ys = self.well_coords(start)
        xe, ye = self.well_coords(end)
        return (xe - xs, ye - ys, [DeckResource.align.STD_96]
                                  + ([DeckResource.align.VERTICAL] if xs == xe and ys != ye else []))

    def position_id(self, idx):
        x, y = self.well_coords(idx)
        return 'ABCDEFGH'[y] + str(x + 1)

class Tip96(Standard96):

    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        self._layout_name = layout_name
        self._num_items = 96
        self.resource_type = DeckResource.types.TIP
        self._items = [Tip(self, i) for i in range(self._num_items)]
    def position_id(self, idx): # tips use 1-indexed int ids descending columns first
        return str(idx + 1) # switch to standard advance through row first

class Plate96(Standard96):

    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        self._layout_name = layout_name
        self._num_items = 96
        self.resource_type = DeckResource.types.VESSEL
        self._items = [Vessel(self, i) for i in range(self._num_items)]

class Plate24(DeckResource):

    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        self._layout_name = layout_name
        self._num_items = 24
        self.resource_type = DeckResource.types.VESSEL
        self._items = [Vessel(self, i) for i in range(self._num_items)]

    def well_coords(self, idx):
        return int(idx)//4, int(idx)%4

    def _alignment_delta(self, start, end):
        [self._assert_idx_in_range(p) for p in (start, end)]
        xs, ys = self.well_coords(start)
        xe, ye = self.well_coords(end)
        return (xe - xs, ye - ys, [DeckResource.align.VERTICAL] if xs == xe and ys != ye else [])

    def position_id(self, idx):
        x, y = self.well_coords(idx)
        return 'ABCD'[y] + str(x + 1)

class Plate12(DeckResource):

    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        self._layout_name = layout_name
        self._num_items = 12
        self.resource_type = DeckResource.types.VESSEL
        self._items = [Vessel(self, i) for i in range(self._num_items)]

    def well_coords(self, idx):
        return int(idx)//3, int(idx)%3

    def _alignment_delta(self, start, end):
        [self._assert_idx_in_range(p) for p in (start, end)]
        xs, ys = self.well_coords(start)
        xe, ye = self.well_coords(end)
        return (xe - xs, ye - ys, [DeckResource.align.VERTICAL] if xs == xe and ys != ye else [])

    def position_id(self, idx):
        x, y = self.well_coords(idx)
        return 'ABC'[y] + str(x + 1)


class DeckResource (layout_name)
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class DeckResource:

    class align:
        VERTICAL = 'v'
        STD_96 = 'std_96'

    class types:
        TIP, VESSEL = range(2)
    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _alignment_delta(self, int_start, int_end):
        raise NotImplementedError() # (delta x, delta y, alignment properties list)

    def _assert_idx_in_range(self, idx_or_vessel):
        if isinstance(idx_or_vessel, Vessel):
            idx = idx_or_vessel.index
            idx = idx_or_vessel
        if not 0 <= idx < self._num_items:
            raise ValueError('Index ' + str(idx) + ' not in range for resource')
    def layout_name(self):
        """The layout name of this specific deck resource.
          The name (`str`) associated with this specific deck resource in the Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file it came from.
        return self._layout_name # default; override if needed. (str) 

    def position_id(self, idx):
        """The identifier used for one of a sequence of positions inside this labware.
        For labware with multiple positions, each position has a different identity, usually represented as a short string that will match the identifier scheme for this resource in the Hamilton Layout file it came from. The identifiers will usually be familiar from a laboratory setting.
        - 96-well plates have 96 positions, each identified with a letter and a number like `'D4'`. For a `Plate96` instance named `plate`, `plate.position_id(0)` is `'A1'`, `plate.position_id(1)` is `'B1'`, and `plate.position_id(95)` is `'H12'`.
        - Hamilton racks of 96 tips have 96 positions, identified with integer strings like `'87'` that start with `'1'` at the top left tip and increase down columns (8 positions each) first. For a `Tip96` instance named `tips`, `tips.position_id(0)` is `'1'`, `tips.position_id(1)` is `'2'`, and `tips.position_id(95)` is `'96'`.

          idx (int): the index into the sequence of positions. Note: `idx` is zero-indexed across all labware according to python convention, while most real-world labware positions are 1-indexed.

          The identifier (`str`) associated with the position `idx` specific deck resource in the Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file it came from.
          NotImplementedError: The deck resource does not have positions.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def alignment_delta(self, start, end):
        args = {'start':start, 'end':end}
        for pos in args:
            if isinstance(args[pos], Vessel):
                if args[pos].parent_resource is not self:
                    raise ValueError('Positions provided as vessels, '
                            'but do not belong to this resource')
                args[pos] = start.index
                    args[pos] += 0
                except TypeError:
                    raise ValueError('Positions provided for delta must be integers or vessels')
        return self._alignment_delta(args['start'], args['end'])
    def __iter__(self):
        for i in self._items:
            yield i


Class variables

var align
var types


def alignment_delta(self, start, end)
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def alignment_delta(self, start, end):
    args = {'start':start, 'end':end}
    for pos in args:
        if isinstance(args[pos], Vessel):
            if args[pos].parent_resource is not self:
                raise ValueError('Positions provided as vessels, '
                        'but do not belong to this resource')
            args[pos] = start.index
                args[pos] += 0
            except TypeError:
                raise ValueError('Positions provided for delta must be integers or vessels')
    return self._alignment_delta(args['start'], args['end'])
def layout_name(self)

The layout name of this specific deck resource.


The name (str) associated with this specific deck resource in the Hamilton Layout (.lay) file it came from.

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def layout_name(self):
    """The layout name of this specific deck resource.
      The name (`str`) associated with this specific deck resource in the Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file it came from.
    return self._layout_name # default; override if needed. (str) 
def position_id(self, idx)

The identifier used for one of a sequence of positions inside this labware.

For labware with multiple positions, each position has a different identity, usually represented as a short string that will match the identifier scheme for this resource in the Hamilton Layout file it came from. The identifiers will usually be familiar from a laboratory setting.


  • 96-well plates have 96 positions, each identified with a letter and a number like 'D4'. For a Plate96 instance named plate, plate.position_id(0) is 'A1', plate.position_id(1) is 'B1', and plate.position_id(95) is 'H12'.
  • Hamilton racks of 96 tips have 96 positions, identified with integer strings like '87' that start with '1' at the top left tip and increase down columns (8 positions each) first. For a Tip96 instance named tips, tips.position_id(0) is '1', tips.position_id(1) is '2', and tips.position_id(95) is '96'.


idx : int
the index into the sequence of positions. Note: idx is zero-indexed across all labware according to python convention, while most real-world labware positions are 1-indexed.


The identifier (str) associated with the position idx specific deck resource in the Hamilton Layout (.lay) file it came from.


The deck resource does not have positions.
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def position_id(self, idx):
    """The identifier used for one of a sequence of positions inside this labware.
    For labware with multiple positions, each position has a different identity, usually represented as a short string that will match the identifier scheme for this resource in the Hamilton Layout file it came from. The identifiers will usually be familiar from a laboratory setting.
    - 96-well plates have 96 positions, each identified with a letter and a number like `'D4'`. For a `Plate96` instance named `plate`, `plate.position_id(0)` is `'A1'`, `plate.position_id(1)` is `'B1'`, and `plate.position_id(95)` is `'H12'`.
    - Hamilton racks of 96 tips have 96 positions, identified with integer strings like `'87'` that start with `'1'` at the top left tip and increase down columns (8 positions each) first. For a `Tip96` instance named `tips`, `tips.position_id(0)` is `'1'`, `tips.position_id(1)` is `'2'`, and `tips.position_id(95)` is `'96'`.

      idx (int): the index into the sequence of positions. Note: `idx` is zero-indexed across all labware according to python convention, while most real-world labware positions are 1-indexed.

      The identifier (`str`) associated with the position `idx` specific deck resource in the Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file it came from.
      NotImplementedError: The deck resource does not have positions.
    raise NotImplementedError()
class LayoutManager (layfile_path, install=True)

Optionally activates a Hamilton layout and helps access its contents.

A LayoutManager manages the consistent assignment of DeckResource objects to items in a Hamilton Layout file (.lay). A LayoutManager must be used to set the active pyhamilton layout file, but use of this class is strictly optional when sending pyhamilton commands using send_command; names may be passed as string literals in commands instead if they are known in advance. The advantage to specifying all labware using ResourceManager is that resource names are verified to be present in the active layout file at runtime, and guaranteed never used more than once, both of which are necessary to avoid silent Hamilton errors.

Example usage:

lmgr = LayoutManager('layout.lay')
plate = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(ResourceType(Plate24, 'plate_0'))
culture_reservoir = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(ResourceType(Plate96, 'culture'))
inducer_tips = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(ResourceType(Tip96, 'inducer_tips'))
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class LayoutManager:
    """Optionally activates a Hamilton layout and helps access its contents.

    A `LayoutManager` manages the consistent assignment of `DeckResource` objects to items in a Hamilton Layout file (`.lay`). A `LayoutManager` must be used to set the active pyhamilton layout file, but use of this class is strictly optional when sending `pyhamilton` commands using `send_command`; names may be passed as string literals in commands instead if they are known in advance. The advantage to specifying all labware using `ResourceManager` is that resource names are verified to be present in the active layout file at runtime, and guaranteed never used more than once, both of which are necessary to avoid silent Hamilton errors.
    Example usage:
    lmgr = LayoutManager('layout.lay')
    plate = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(ResourceType(Plate24, 'plate_0'))
    culture_reservoir = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(ResourceType(Plate96, 'culture'))
    inducer_tips = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(ResourceType(Tip96, 'inducer_tips'))

    _managers = {}
    def get_manager(checksum):
        """Return a `LayoutManager` previously instantiated for a layout file that has the specified checksum.
        Typically used when accessing the same layout file from multiple "threads" in the same process (using the `threading` module) to prevent name double-counting.
          checksum (str): a checksum found at the end of a Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file.
        return LayoutManager._managers[checksum]

    def initial_printable(line, start=0):
        if not line:
            return ''
        end = start
        while end < len(line) and line[end] in string.printable:
            end += 1
        return line[start:end]

    def layline_objid(line):
        keys = 'ObjId', 'LabwareName'
        if 'Labware' in LayoutManager.layline_first_field(line):
            keys = 'Id', *keys
        for key in keys:
                start = line.index(key) + len(key) + 1
                return LayoutManager.initial_printable(line, start)
            except ValueError:
            return None

    def layline_first_field(line):
        return LayoutManager.initial_printable(line)

    def field_starts_with(field, prefix):
            return field.index(prefix) == 0
        except ValueError:
            return False

    def name_from_line(line):
        field = LayoutManager.layline_objid(line)
        if field:
            return field
        return LayoutManager.layline_first_field(line)

    def line_has_prefixed_name(prefix):
        def has_prefix(line):
            return LayoutManager.field_starts_with(LayoutManager.name_from_line(line), prefix)
        return has_prefix

    def _read_layfile_lines(layfile_path):
        buff = ''
        lines = []
        with open(layfile_path, 'rb') as f:
            for c in
                    c = bytes([c]).decode('utf-8')
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                buff += c
                if c in '\n\r\t':
                    buff = ''
        if buff:
        return lines

    def _layfile_checksum(layfile_path):
        lay_lines = LayoutManager._read_layfile_lines(layfile_path)
        return lay_lines[-1].split('checksum=')[1].split('$$')[0]

    def layfiles_equal(lay_path_1, lay_path_2):
        return LayoutManager._layfile_checksum(lay_path_1) == LayoutManager._layfile_checksum(lay_path_2)

    def __init__(self, layfile_path, install=True):
        self.lines = self._read_layfile_lines(layfile_path)
        self.resources = {}
        self.checksum = self._layfile_checksum(layfile_path)
        self._managers[self.checksum] = self
        if install and not LayoutManager.layfiles_equal(layfile_path, OEM_LAY_PATH):
                shutil.copy2(layfile_path, os.path.join(LAY_BACKUP_DIR,'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_') + os.path.basename(layfile_path)))
                shutil.copy2(layfile_path, OEM_LAY_PATH)
    def assign_unused_resource(self, restype, order_key=None, reverse=False):
        """Create a new deck resource after finding and assigning an unused name that matches the resource type.
        This method searches through the layout file for one new layout name that matches the given resource type. It reserves this layout name permanently so that no later calls to `assign_unused_resource` can create a deck resource with the same layout name. Returns a `DeckResource`.
          restype (ResourceType): The resource type, which consists of a resource class (descendent of `DeckResource`) and some string pattern matching functions to identify the desired layout names.
          order_key (Callable[[DeckResource], Comparable]): Optional; when multiple layout names match, specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each candidate `DeckResource` object. The arg-min or arg-max of `order_key` will be returned, depending on `reverse`. By default, lexicographic order by layout name is used, which is suitable for most use cases, e.g. plates with layout names "pcr-plate-a", "pcr-plate-b", "pcr-plate-c", ... will be returned in the expected order.
          reverse (bool): Optional; use reverse-lexicographic order for layout names, useful for e.g. plate stacking applications, or reverse the order imposed by `order_key` if it is given.
          A new instance of the resource class (descendent of `DeckResource`) from the given `ResourceType` `restype`.
          ResourceUnavailableError: no names in the layout file that have not already been assigned match the resource type
        if order_key is None:
            order_key = lambda r: r.layout_name()
        if not isinstance(restype, ResourceType):
            raise TypeError('Must provide a ResourceType to be assigned')
        matching_ress = []
        for line in self.lines:
            if restype.test(line):
                match_name = restype.extract_name(line)
                if match_name in self.resources:
        if not matching_ress:
            msg = restype.not_found_msg or 'No unassigned resource of type ' + restype.resource_class.__name__ + ' available'
            raise ResourceUnavailableError(msg)
        choose = max if reverse else min
        new_res = choose(matching_ress, key=order_key)
        self.resources[new_res.layout_name()] = new_res
        return new_res

Static methods

def field_starts_with(field, prefix)
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def field_starts_with(field, prefix):
        return field.index(prefix) == 0
    except ValueError:
        return False
def get_manager(checksum)

Return a LayoutManager previously instantiated for a layout file that has the specified checksum.

Typically used when accessing the same layout file from multiple "threads" in the same process (using the threading module) to prevent name double-counting.


checksum : str
a checksum found at the end of a Hamilton Layout (.lay) file.
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def get_manager(checksum):
    """Return a `LayoutManager` previously instantiated for a layout file that has the specified checksum.
    Typically used when accessing the same layout file from multiple "threads" in the same process (using the `threading` module) to prevent name double-counting.
      checksum (str): a checksum found at the end of a Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file.
    return LayoutManager._managers[checksum]
def initial_printable(line, start=0)
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def initial_printable(line, start=0):
    if not line:
        return ''
    end = start
    while end < len(line) and line[end] in string.printable:
        end += 1
    return line[start:end]
def layfiles_equal(lay_path_1, lay_path_2)
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def layfiles_equal(lay_path_1, lay_path_2):
    return LayoutManager._layfile_checksum(lay_path_1) == LayoutManager._layfile_checksum(lay_path_2)
def layline_first_field(line)
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def layline_first_field(line):
    return LayoutManager.initial_printable(line)
def layline_objid(line)
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def layline_objid(line):
    keys = 'ObjId', 'LabwareName'
    if 'Labware' in LayoutManager.layline_first_field(line):
        keys = 'Id', *keys
    for key in keys:
            start = line.index(key) + len(key) + 1
            return LayoutManager.initial_printable(line, start)
        except ValueError:
        return None
def line_has_prefixed_name(prefix)
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def line_has_prefixed_name(prefix):
    def has_prefix(line):
        return LayoutManager.field_starts_with(LayoutManager.name_from_line(line), prefix)
    return has_prefix
def name_from_line(line)
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def name_from_line(line):
    field = LayoutManager.layline_objid(line)
    if field:
        return field
    return LayoutManager.layline_first_field(line)


def assign_unused_resource(self, restype, order_key=None, reverse=False)

Create a new deck resource after finding and assigning an unused name that matches the resource type.

This method searches through the layout file for one new layout name that matches the given resource type. It reserves this layout name permanently so that no later calls to assign_unused_resource can create a deck resource with the same layout name. Returns a DeckResource.


restype : ResourceType
The resource type, which consists of a resource class (descendent of DeckResource) and some string pattern matching functions to identify the desired layout names.
order_key : Callable[[DeckResource], Comparable]
Optional; when multiple layout names match, specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each candidate DeckResource object. The arg-min or arg-max of order_key will be returned, depending on reverse. By default, lexicographic order by layout name is used, which is suitable for most use cases, e.g. plates with layout names "pcr-plate-a", "pcr-plate-b", "pcr-plate-c", … will be returned in the expected order.
reverse : bool
Optional; use reverse-lexicographic order for layout names, useful for e.g. plate stacking applications, or reverse the order imposed by order_key if it is given.


A new instance of the resource class (descendent of DeckResource) from the given ResourceType restype.


no names in the layout file that have not already been assigned match the resource type
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def assign_unused_resource(self, restype, order_key=None, reverse=False):
    """Create a new deck resource after finding and assigning an unused name that matches the resource type.
    This method searches through the layout file for one new layout name that matches the given resource type. It reserves this layout name permanently so that no later calls to `assign_unused_resource` can create a deck resource with the same layout name. Returns a `DeckResource`.
      restype (ResourceType): The resource type, which consists of a resource class (descendent of `DeckResource`) and some string pattern matching functions to identify the desired layout names.
      order_key (Callable[[DeckResource], Comparable]): Optional; when multiple layout names match, specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each candidate `DeckResource` object. The arg-min or arg-max of `order_key` will be returned, depending on `reverse`. By default, lexicographic order by layout name is used, which is suitable for most use cases, e.g. plates with layout names "pcr-plate-a", "pcr-plate-b", "pcr-plate-c", ... will be returned in the expected order.
      reverse (bool): Optional; use reverse-lexicographic order for layout names, useful for e.g. plate stacking applications, or reverse the order imposed by `order_key` if it is given.
      A new instance of the resource class (descendent of `DeckResource`) from the given `ResourceType` `restype`.
      ResourceUnavailableError: no names in the layout file that have not already been assigned match the resource type
    if order_key is None:
        order_key = lambda r: r.layout_name()
    if not isinstance(restype, ResourceType):
        raise TypeError('Must provide a ResourceType to be assigned')
    matching_ress = []
    for line in self.lines:
        if restype.test(line):
            match_name = restype.extract_name(line)
            if match_name in self.resources:
    if not matching_ress:
        msg = restype.not_found_msg or 'No unassigned resource of type ' + restype.resource_class.__name__ + ' available'
        raise ResourceUnavailableError(msg)
    choose = max if reverse else min
    new_res = choose(matching_ress, key=order_key)
    self.resources[new_res.layout_name()] = new_res
    return new_res
class Plate12 (layout_name)
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class Plate12(DeckResource):

    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        self._layout_name = layout_name
        self._num_items = 12
        self.resource_type = DeckResource.types.VESSEL
        self._items = [Vessel(self, i) for i in range(self._num_items)]

    def well_coords(self, idx):
        return int(idx)//3, int(idx)%3

    def _alignment_delta(self, start, end):
        [self._assert_idx_in_range(p) for p in (start, end)]
        xs, ys = self.well_coords(start)
        xe, ye = self.well_coords(end)
        return (xe - xs, ye - ys, [DeckResource.align.VERTICAL] if xs == xe and ys != ye else [])

    def position_id(self, idx):
        x, y = self.well_coords(idx)
        return 'ABC'[y] + str(x + 1)



def well_coords(self, idx)
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def well_coords(self, idx):
    return int(idx)//3, int(idx)%3

Inherited members

class Plate24 (layout_name)
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class Plate24(DeckResource):

    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        self._layout_name = layout_name
        self._num_items = 24
        self.resource_type = DeckResource.types.VESSEL
        self._items = [Vessel(self, i) for i in range(self._num_items)]

    def well_coords(self, idx):
        return int(idx)//4, int(idx)%4

    def _alignment_delta(self, start, end):
        [self._assert_idx_in_range(p) for p in (start, end)]
        xs, ys = self.well_coords(start)
        xe, ye = self.well_coords(end)
        return (xe - xs, ye - ys, [DeckResource.align.VERTICAL] if xs == xe and ys != ye else [])

    def position_id(self, idx):
        x, y = self.well_coords(idx)
        return 'ABCD'[y] + str(x + 1)



def well_coords(self, idx)
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def well_coords(self, idx):
    return int(idx)//4, int(idx)%4

Inherited members

class Plate96 (layout_name)

Labware types with 96 positions that use a letter-number id scheme like 'A1'.

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class Plate96(Standard96):

    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        self._layout_name = layout_name
        self._num_items = 96
        self.resource_type = DeckResource.types.VESSEL
        self._items = [Vessel(self, i) for i in range(self._num_items)]


Inherited members

class ResourceIterItem (resource, index)
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class ResourceIterItem:

    def __init__(self, resource, index):
        self.parent_resource = resource
        self.index = index
        self.history = []


class ResourceType (resource_class, *name_specifiers)

Specifies a type of labware to extract using LayoutManager, and how.

This class associates a resource class, such as Plate96, with either a literal labware identifier (str) that appears in the Hamilton Layout (.lay) file, or a pair of functions: one that identifies when a text line in a layout file could be assigned this resource, called test, and one that parses such a name out of the line, called extract_name.

Typical usage:

plate_type = ResourceType(Plate96, 'Cos_96_Rd_0001')
lmgr = LayoutManager('layout.lay')
plate = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(plate_type)


plate_type = ResourceType(Plate96,
lmgr = LayoutManager('layout.lay')
plate1 = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(plate_type)
plate2 = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(plate_type)


resource_class : class
a class that inherits from DeckResource. Instances of this class will be returned from LayoutManager when assigning resources, factory-style.
*name_specifiers : list
This argument is unpacked with the "splat" operator (*) to enable polymorphism. One or the other of:
  • (two-argument form) an exact name (str) of a labware item that appears in the target layout file, or
  • (three-argument form) test and extract_name (see usage above):
    • test: a function [(str) -> bool] that identifies Layout file lines (str) that could be used to assign resources of this type
    • extract_name: a function [(str) -> str] that gets the desired name out of a line identified with test.
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class ResourceType:
    Specifies a type of labware to extract using LayoutManager, and how.

    This class associates a resource class, such as `Plate96`, with either a literal labware identifier (`str`) that appears in the Hamilton Layout (`.lay`) file, or a pair of functions: one that identifies when a text line in a layout file could be assigned this resource, called `test`, and one that parses such a name out of the line, called `extract_name`.

    Typical usage:

    plate_type = ResourceType(Plate96, 'Cos_96_Rd_0001')
    lmgr = LayoutManager('layout.lay')
    plate = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(plate_type)


    plate_type = ResourceType(Plate96,
    lmgr = LayoutManager('layout.lay')
    plate1 = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(plate_type)
    plate2 = lmgr.assign_unused_resource(plate_type)

      resource_class (class): a class that inherits from `DeckResource`. Instances of this class will be returned from `LayoutManager` when assigning resources, factory-style.
      *name_specifiers (list): This argument is unpacked with the "splat" operator (`*`) to enable polymorphism. One or the other of:
      - (two-argument form) an exact name (`str`) of a labware item that appears in the target layout file, or
      - (three-argument form) `test` and `extract_name` (see usage above):
          * `test`: a function [(`str`) -> `bool`] that identifies Layout file lines (`str`) that could be used to assign resources of this type
          * `extract_name`: a function [(`str`) -> `str`] that gets the desired name out of a line identified with `test`.


    def __init__(self, resource_class, *name_specifiers):
        self.resource_class = resource_class
        self.not_found_msg = None
            specific_name, = name_specifiers
            self.test = lambda line: specific_name in re.split(r'\W', line)
            self.extract_name = lambda line: specific_name
            self.not_found_msg = 'No exact match for name "' + specific_name + '" to assign a resource of type ' + resource_class.__name__
        except ValueError:
            self.test, self.extract_name = name_specifiers
class Standard96 (layout_name)

Labware types with 96 positions that use a letter-number id scheme like 'A1'.

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class Standard96(DeckResource):
    """Labware types with 96 positions that use a letter-number id scheme like `'A1'`.

    def well_coords(self, idx):
        return int(idx)//8, int(idx)%8

    def _alignment_delta(self, start, end):
        [self._assert_idx_in_range(p) for p in (start, end)]
        xs, ys = self.well_coords(start)
        xe, ye = self.well_coords(end)
        return (xe - xs, ye - ys, [DeckResource.align.STD_96]
                                  + ([DeckResource.align.VERTICAL] if xs == xe and ys != ye else []))

    def position_id(self, idx):
        x, y = self.well_coords(idx)
        return 'ABCDEFGH'[y] + str(x + 1)




def well_coords(self, idx)
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def well_coords(self, idx):
    return int(idx)//8, int(idx)%8

Inherited members

class Tip (resource, index)
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class Tip(ResourceIterItem):


class Tip96 (layout_name)

Labware types with 96 positions that use a letter-number id scheme like 'A1'.

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class Tip96(Standard96):

    def __init__(self, layout_name):
        self._layout_name = layout_name
        self._num_items = 96
        self.resource_type = DeckResource.types.TIP
        self._items = [Tip(self, i) for i in range(self._num_items)]
    def position_id(self, idx): # tips use 1-indexed int ids descending columns first
        return str(idx + 1) # switch to standard advance through row first


Inherited members

class Vessel (resource, index)
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class Vessel(ResourceIterItem):

    ADD = 0
    REMOVE = 1

    def record_removal(self, ml, dest=None):
        if dest is not None and not isinstance(dest, Vessel):
            raise ValueError('Sources and destinations in Vessel contents records must be Vessels')
        self.history.append((Vessel.REMOVE, ml, dest))

    def record_addition(self, ml, source):
        if not isinstance(source, Vessel):
            raise ValueError('Sources and destinations in Vessel contents records must be Vessels')
        self.history.append((Vessel.ADD, ml, source))

    def current_volume(self):
        return sum((ml if direction == Vessel.ADD else -ml) for direction, ml, _ in self.history)


Class variables

var ADD


def current_volume(self)
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def current_volume(self):
    return sum((ml if direction == Vessel.ADD else -ml) for direction, ml, _ in self.history)
def record_addition(self, ml, source)
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def record_addition(self, ml, source):
    if not isinstance(source, Vessel):
        raise ValueError('Sources and destinations in Vessel contents records must be Vessels')
    self.history.append((Vessel.ADD, ml, source))
def record_removal(self, ml, dest=None)
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def record_removal(self, ml, dest=None):
    if dest is not None and not isinstance(dest, Vessel):
        raise ValueError('Sources and destinations in Vessel contents records must be Vessels')
    self.history.append((Vessel.REMOVE, ml, dest))